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Hunden Blog


July 30, 2007

Here's the link to the original Article, you can search the rest of the site for the newer articles!! Contact these reporters people Tell Them We Are SICK AND TIRED OF THEIR LIES!!! 

ALSO If you have any posistive stories about Tony or Brian Contact the court's and everyone else up there and tell them about it!!!

Cook County COuncil Website

Elected Officials

Posted at: 12:07 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Brian Bailey, & Tony Self Story!!

July 30, 2007

I recently had 2 Friends Arrested VIA MAILICOUS PROSECUTION! The jest of the story is that they we're running low on gas. They stopped off at a Gas Station in Burbank, IL. While they we're Fueling up they Decided to walk the dogs, and clean the kennels. One of the puppies as most puppies do on the road (as they are not used to riding yet) Puked in his Kennel. Some bleeding heart HSUS Worshiping, PETA PENIS SUCKING, ALF LOVING, Gumba saw the puppy as she was Nosiely Looking in the kennels, and decided she needed to call the cops!! This female cop responded and went Adolf Hitler on them! Mean while a 2nd Male officer pulled up and was trying to let them leave, but the female cop would have no part of it!!! (Imagine that) The rest is down hill and published with TONS of lies and their back tracking to cover their lies can all be found in the Chicago Sun Times, and the Southtown Dailey!

     So now anything but off my e-store the funds will go 100% with the exception of shipping will go DIRECTLY to their Bail, and food, & Supplies for their Dogs!!



Tags: brian bailey, malicious prosecution, nazi, tony self

Posted at: 11:32 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |


June 28, 2007

Welcome To Teufel Hunden Kennels, On the net! I hope you enjoy our site, and take full advantage of the Blog!!

Tags: bulldog, bulldogs, chinamen, damion, frisco, greenwood, jeep, lonzo, red devil, redboy, teufel hunden, welcome

Posted at: 03:39 PM | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

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